Logo Aaryan's Blog

Hi, I'm Aaryan!

This is my blog and I love to share topics centered around programming, and tech in general.

  • When remix.run is better than NextJS - Next vs Remix

    TLDR: When you need to do data mutations without relying on running JS on the client side. I first heard about Remix in a Fireship video. I didn't pay much attention to it and ignored all the non-n ...

  • Experience with Hugo + Cloudflare Pages

    I'm a JavaScript (mostly TypeScript now) developer and therefore the first (and previous) version of my blog was built with the MERN stack. HUGO, as the page says, is not an average static site gener ...

  • Connect to Mongodb Atlas Using Mongoose

    I'm a big fan of MongoDB. One of these days, I had to deploy a MERN stack app to a shared server. It's hard to find NoSQL database support in these shared environments. MongoDB Atlas seems like a goo ...

  • VideoJS vs JWPlayer - Choose the Best

    The default HTML5 player is very basic and depends heavily on the browser. Hence we look for better options, we'll be looking at two of those options VideoJS and JWPlayer. Some features that your pr ...

  • Everything About JavaScript forEach() Loop Method

    JavaScript forEach() method provides another way to loop an iterable object (like arrays). The forEach method uses callback functions to deal with each iteration. It uses callbacks, but that does ...

  • Java vs JavaScript - The Ultimate 2020 Comparison

    Java and JavaScript are often confused to be the same by new learners. There are a few similarities and numerous differences between the two. I will be listing everything I can about Java vs JavaScri ...

  • How to pass socket.io to express routes in files?

    Socket.io is a popular library used to enable live (real-time) communication across server and client(s). It uses events to receive to transmit data. We'll be discussing how to use it with Express rou ...

  • How to point domains to WHM (VPS & Dedicated Server)

    WHM is an awesome product by cPanel. It primarily allows you to create & manage multiple cPanel accounts, with specified parameters, in a single server. I don't usually encounter cPanel services much ...

  • Just did my first professional TypeScript project

    After 4-5 years with JavaScript (and loving it), I finally decided to give TypeScript a chance. Just coded a contract-based project with it. Both backend and frontend (react) were programmed in TypeS ...